On the Trail of the Glaciers
Exploring the past for a sustainable future
The Project

“On the trail of the glaciers” is a photographic-scientific project that combines photographic comparison and scientific research in order to disseminate the effects of climate change through the observation of changes in glacial masses over the last 150 years.

With 8 expeditions in 13 years to the most important mountain glaciers on Earth (Karakorum 2009, Caucasus 2011, Alaska 2013, Andes 2016, Himalayas 2018, Alps 2019 – 2020 – 2021), the project has supported original studies and has produced new photographic shots from the same observation points and in the same period of the year of those made by photographers-explorers of the late 1800s and early 1900s.

The project represents the largest existing archive of comparative photography on variations of glacial masses; it was conceived and realized by the photographer Fabiano Ventura in collaboration with a technical-creative staff and is supported by an international Scientific Committee.

The strong communicative power of photographic comparisons, together with the results of scientific research, represents a contribution to the development of a greater awareness about the impact of human activities on climate. The dissemination of the project contents aims at raising public awareness of the need to safeguard natural resources for the protection of future generations.


Download here the project brochure.

  • Scientific Purpose

    Climate and environmental changes have given rise to the rapid disintegration of huge glacial masses with environmental consequences which are still not completely understood.

    Combining documentary and scientific approaches, the project has provided to gather unique data on the recent dynamics of glacier movements and on the state of health of test case glaciers in Karakorum, the Caucasus, Alaska, the Andes, the Himalayas and the Alps.

  • Communication Purpose

    By combining scientific research, comparative photography and popularisation in an original and innovative way, the project is communicating to a wide audience.:

    • The importance of sustainable development
      and the conservation of the world’s natural resources, in particular water resources;
    • The importance of biodiversity;
    • The role of scientific research in raising awareness and understanding of environmental issues;
    • The restoration and safeguarding of photographic archives, recognizing their value as historical and cultural heritage.
  • Result in Figures

    8 expeditions completed
    314 comparison photographs taken
    15 research programs carried out
    21 universities and research institutions engaged
    87 glaciers analyzed
    3 television documentaries broadcast internationally
    16 cities hosting the travelling photographic exhibition
    11 interactive video installations
    120 conferences, conventions and public screenings
    797 articles on the Web
    138 articles published in print media
    68 radio and television broadcasts
    162 events in the world
    262.000.000 people reached in the world

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