Radio 3 Scienza: every Friday the project’s researchers report live on the situation of the alpine glaciers

Radio 3 Scienza, the program aired every day on Rai Radio3, is reporting every Friday, except August 14, the expedition “Alps 2020” and will do so until the end of the mission. In each episode, preceded by a short story by Fabiano Ventura, are interviewed the different researchers who collaborate in the project. In the one of last August 7th, Daniele Cat Berro, climatologist of the Italian Meteorology Society and editor of the climatology magazine Nimbus, who met Fabiano Ventura at the Breithorn, talked about the situation of the Plampiceux glacier at Mont Blanc, protagonist of the last chronicles to be at risk of collapse and then described the situation of the alpine glaciers.

On Friday July 24th the first program dedicated to the project aired, in which Fabiano Ventura talked about the project in general, on the day of the departure of the expedition “On the trail of the glaciers – Alps 2020”.

In the episode of Friday 31st July, opened with the usual travel story by Fabiano Ventura, Alberto Cina, professor of the Department of Environmental Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino and Stefania Tamea, hydrogeologist of the same institute, who were on the Indren glacier to collect data for their Glacier Lab, were interviewed.

On Friday, August 7th, as said, it was the turn of Daniele Cat Berro, climatologist of the Italian meteorological society.

The causes of the downward sliding of the Plampinceux Glacier – he said – are also due to its conformation, very steep and suspended. It is possible that the increase in temperature has destabilized the glacial mass, increasing the probability of detachment. In this case we can speak of a concomitance of factors“. However, Cat Berro described a dramatic situation in the Alps: “In the Alpine glaciers – he said – the effects of climate change are disruptive. Here, in fact, the increase in temperature has been at least 2 degrees and this has contracted by at least 60% compared to 1850. And this is only the beginning. We expect, in the absence of cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, that at the end of the century there will be less than 10% of the current volume, with very serious consequences for the downstream population due to more landslides, more river water flow and a rise in sea level of at least one meter by the end of the century“. A phenomenon that will redesign the geography of many parts of the world, sending millions of people under water.

Who lost the episodes can still listen to them again here


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