In Champoluc arrives the Kia Green Talks. Fabiano Ventura among the speakers

Saturday 18 March at 6 pm, at the Cinema Sant’Anna in Champoluc, Fabiano Ventura will be interviewed by journalist Emanuale Bompan to talk about photography and climate change and the results of the project “On the Trail of the Glaciers”.

These are the protagonists of the Kia Green Talks: Serana Giacomin, president of the Italian Climate Network; Marco Cattaneo, director of National Geographic magazine; Fabiano Ventura, president of the Macromicro association; Anna Giorgi, director of the Centre for Applied Studies for Sustainable Management and Mountain Defence at the University of Milan; Teresa Agovino, environmental engineer and sustainable tourism consultant. Five meetings organised by Kia Italia srl to promote a discussion on environmental sustainability with experts in the field.

If you are in the beautiful Val d’Ayas, in Valle D’Aosta, we invite you to attend, entrance is free!

To read the complete programme click here.

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