Mission “Alps 2021”: The major newspapers that will continue to follow the expedition “On the trail of the glaciers – Alps 2020”.

Also this year it will be possible to follow the team of the “Alpi 2021” mission on the prestigious Italian newspapers: Rai Radio 3, Rai Cultura and National Geographic Italia.

The first live broadcast will be an interview with Fabiano Ventura on Radio 3 Scienza. The programme, entirely dedicated to the project “On the trail of the glaciers”, will be broadcast at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, 10 August. Fabiano himself, live during the journey, will give a first-hand account of the “Alpi 2021” mission.All the radio material produced will become a podcast, available on the RaiPlay Radio website and app.

Today there will be an interview with Fabiano Ventura, by Rai Cultura, where the new mission “Alpi 2021” will be presented, which will conclude the expedition “On the trail of the glaciers – Alpi 2020” as well as the field phase of the whole project “On the trail of the glaciers”. The interview will be published in the coming days on the Rai Cultura page dedicated to the project.

In addition, to stay updated in real time on the progress of the expedition you can follow the team on our social channels and on the official website of our project on the page dedicated to the “Alpi 2020” expedition, which we will update with 4 Travel Diaries composed of texts, photos and videos.

“With this last mission – says Fabiano Ventura, the director of the project “On the Trails of the Glaciers” – the field phase that has meant over 10 years of hard work, but also great satisfaction, comes to an end. Having such prestigious publications on our team not only confirms the great importance of the project, but also represents a valuable contribution to the dissemination of its values.”

These are the social channels on which to stay updated in real time:




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