NEXT GENERATION educational project starts

In November, the non-profit association Macromicro will launch the educational project “NEXT GENERETION – The challenges of climate change”, directed at new generations throughout Italy.

Il progetto, finanziato e patrocinato dalla Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO, coinvolgerà i licei, attraversando l’intera penisola da nord a sud, con l’obiettivo di affrontare il tema del cambiamento climatico in modo innovativo.

The teaching staff of the Macromicro association will be able to count on the photographic and scientific material collected over more than 13 years by the project “On the Trail of the Glaciers”, offering an original training programme to understand the many aspects of the climate crisis. Issues such as the importance of glaciers as a water resource, the relationship between climate and human species, anthropogenic responsibility and the impacts of global warming on society, the importance of scientific research and dissemination, the relationship between science and photography, and many more will be addressed.

We at the association are enthusiastic about this new educational programme because we believe that the school is the natural place to transmit these knowledge and to promote the culture of sustainability and respect for the environment for the preservation of our species.

To find out more and keep up-to-date on this project, visit the dedicated page on the Macromicro association website at the following link: Next Generation – The challenges of climate change or download the brochure by clicking here.

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