• On the Trail of the Glaciers among the themes highlighted by UNESCO

    The Project on Glaciers Tracks has been included among the themes highlighted by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO. It is the result of collaborations between the non-profit Macromicro association and UNESCO. “On glacial tracks – reads the UNESCO site – is a stimulus to reflect on climate change, the use of natural resources, in

  • Progetto didattico in Alaska

    La scorsa settimana è partito un primo progetto didattico in alcune scuole elementari di paesi situati in aree remote del Golfo dell’Alaska. Grazie alla collaborazione fra l’UAF (Università of Alaska, Faierbanks) e l’associazione REACH (Raising Educational Achievement through Cultural Heritage), Alessio Gusmeroli, dell’International Arctic Research Center e consulente dell’Associazione Macromicro, utilizzando come supporto didattico i

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