  • Aug
    First panoramic at Concordia

    Today we wake up at first light of dawn: it’s not very cold, only a few degrees below zero, and the day looks beautiful, no clouds on the horizon; after a quick breakfast we pack our equipment and with our guide Hassan and the three high altitude porters leave to the Miter Peak, from which

  • Aug
    Nightly Concordia

    After a week of trekking over the endless moraines of the Baltoro glacier, we arrive at the magnificent amphitheater of Concordia at 4650 meters, one of the most spectacular locations of Karakorum, surrounded by some of the highest peaks on Earth, including the K2, the Broad Peak, Gasherbrum and the chain of the Masherbrums. Concordia,

  • Aug

    After a week of trekking over the endless moraines of the Baltoro glacier, we arrive at the magnificent amphitheater of Concordia at 4650 meters, one of the most spectacular locations of Karakorum, surrounded by some of the highest peaks on Earth, including the K2, the Broad Peak, Gasherbrum and the chain of the Masherbrums. Concordia,

  • Aug
    Baltoro, what emotions!

    This is the very first time in my life I reach 4.500 meters with my own legs, and I must admit that I can’t find the words to describe what I had before my eyes. The whole valley of the Baltoro from the Concordia circus up almost to the front, over 50 kilometers of glacier

  • Aug
    270 degrees of Baltoro glacier

    What a day, this August 4th! A few meters further up, after the image of the spire above  Urdukas, I’m also able to retrieve the same photo point of another astounding image taken by Massimo Terzano; a similar image was obtained by Vittorio Sella too twenty years before, although its shooting point was placed way

  • Aug
    Seeking for a legendary shot

    There are images that remain indelible in the memory, strong because of a feeling, of a unique suggestion that leaves the imagination and minds of those who observed a compelling message. To me it happened often, when browsing the collections of old pictures by the explorers who first documented these regions. One in particular has

  • Aug
    Liligo, the surging glacier

    Today we reach one of the most investigated tributaries of the Baltoro glacier; it’s the Liligo glacier, so interesting one since many times subject to quick changes, as to be classified as “surging glacier”, and yet studied by Prof. Claudio Smiraglia, scientific coordinator of the project “On the Trails of the Glaciers”. During the latest

  • Aug
    Terzano Rock

    We left Payu at 7:00am and soon reached the Baltoro glacier’s front, in order to repeat one of the most known images taken by Massimo Terzano; with a great regret, we see that this could be one of the latest chances to enjoy this astounding view, since the area of the Terzano Rock seems to

  • Aug

    Today we reached Payu, where we can admire the spectacular view of the Baltoro glacier’s front. In these latest two days we faced two of the longest trekking stops, and given the yet low altitude (3100 – 3400 meters) we had a really hot weather conditions, with temperatures well beyond the 30°C. During the 30

  • Jul
    From Skardu to Askole

    July 29, we face a long trip from Skardu to Askole, running on three jeeps the spectacular valleys of Indo, Shigar and Braldo. The landscape during the travel is nothing less than magnificent, our sight meets everywhere giant alluvional conoids and giant and spectacular landslides, which clearly depicts the geomorphologic changes occurred in time within

  • Jul
    Heading towards Skardu

    We wake up at 5:00am and find Islamabad under the rain. What a change after the latest days’ hot weather! Now we are afraid for our flight which could bring us to Skardu, the very first stop in our long journey towards Baltoro. Our fearing is however wiped away when we arrive at the airport:

  • Jul
    Islamabad: first stop towards Baltoro

    Expedition’s team will spend the next days in Islamabad, to define the final bureaucratic procedures and the latest logistic details with the Pakistani Government, before enter the restricted area if the Baltoro glacier, in the Pakistan’s northernmost region. Flight travel to Skardu is planned for the forthcoming Tuesday, July 28, the very first step in

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