  • Aug
    Goodbye, Karakorum!

    Here we are again in Skardu, after a month spent between the glaciers and after having travelled about 200 km on foot, we find again the places where we started. From the lodge’s windows facing the Indo’s valley, so many memories come back to mind; I must admit that many thoughts troubled my heart at

  • Aug
    Latest observations on Baltoro glacier

    Yesterday we finished some important observations on the area of Baltoro and in particular on his forehead. The extension of the glacier, with a basin area of 60 km in length, covering a range of altitudes between about 3650 meters of his forehead up to the 8611 meters of K2, and the grandeur of its

  • Aug
    The front of the Baltoro glacier

    Today we’ll spend the entire day at the front of the Baltoro glacier. Weather conditions are not so good, and we’re a little worry: these measurements are important, if we fail today, we would not have occasion to repeat them again, since we can not stay another day in Payu. Prepared the equipment, we reach

  • Aug
    No pain, no gain

    We moved from Urdukas to Payu, and as described in the last article by Pino we met really innumerable upd and downs. During the trip we also found many historic viewpoints, especially those of Vittorio Sella. But let us proceed with order … Last night was quite tormented in terms of photography: during a long

  • Aug
    Genesis of the many Baltoro’s ups and downs

    Compared to the landscape’s size you’re normally used, the area of Baltoro is truly breathtaking; apart its length of 60 km (the fifth longest glacier in the world), even its dynamics is surprising in comparison to what is usually seen on Alps or on classic textbooks; in addition to the classic crevasses and moraines, here

  • Aug
    On the way back home

    Time flies away, and for us the moment comes to make the long journey home, which with about 60 km in 5 days of trekking will take us from Concordia to the village of Askole. To date, we can say the success of the expedition, with almost all the planned goals achieved. But the job

  • Aug
    The K2 Base Camp and the Godwen Austen glacier

    The first snow comes, and we are therefore forced to postpone our trip to the base camp of K2; the weather conditions are rapidly deteriorating, and certainly we’ll not be able to achieve Sella’s photographs and measurements at the Memorial. From previous measurements and photographic comparisons, it seems that 100 years ago the Godwin Austen

  • Aug
    Baltoro’s ice sails

    Among the extensive amount of debris and huge longitudinal moraines developing along the valley of the Baltoro, there are peculiar alignments of naked ice, shapes classified as ice sails. These are shapes whose origin is still debated in the literature. Going up the valley of the Baltoro, it was possible to appreciate the evolutive dynamics

  • Aug
    High Baltoro

    As expected, thanks to the meteo forecasts provided by Centro Epson Meteo, this morning the weather is beautiful. Today we leave the camp with a large equipment (tents, sleeping bags, mats and food for two days): we expect to spend the next night at Ali Camp, on the Vigne glacier, looking for a photo viewpoint

  • Aug
    From snow to Debris Covered Glaciers: the Baltoro glacier

    The Baltoro Glacier is one of the largest valley glaciers of the Earth and, being almost 60 km long, is rankings in fifth position in the world for lenght. The surface of this glacier is almost entirely covered with debris, thus it’s classified as a debris covered glacier. Where does all this debris originated? The

  • Aug
    Second panoramic at Concordia

    August 13th, this is a day to remember: in addition to having achieved another mythical place, we have also reached the Terzano peak, a major milestone for our project at an altitude of almost 5500 meters! Certainly, if compared with the giants that surround us, all over the fateful “eight thousands” as the K2 and

  • Aug
    New interface for mobile devices

    Starting today, the official website of the project “On the Traces of Glaciers” offers a new user interface dedicated to users who access through mobile phones or last generation smartphones. The system favors the textual information and keep graphic contents low, in order to keep the costs of 3G/Edge/GPRS network connections as lowest as possible

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