  • Aug
    Climbing Banguriani mountain (3885 m)

    Days went too fast. I still have clear memories of the departure, with its usual load of anxiety, curiosity and excitement, and I already find myself planning the last hours of the expedition. In the next days the team will split in three to conclude the activities in our schedule: Riccardo will recover the data

  • Aug
    Il ghiacciaio Shkara

    Il cielo è basso, grigio, pesante. Le nuvole sembrano blocchi di granito in bilico, pronte a franare. Scendiamo tra i rami contorti e fradici delle betulle storpiate dalle valanghe primaverili. Guardo Ken il nostro geologo 75enne. Avanza lento dietro di me, il cappuccio della giacca a vento tirato fin sul naso, lo sguardo fisso e

  • Aug
    Una giornata in stile alpino

    Cinque del mattino. Ha appena smesso di piovere, e le nubi basse chiudono l’orizzonte verso la testata della valle. Sono alla guida di una Lada Niva 4×4 nel fango delle vie di Mestia, alla ricerca di tre ragazzi di Tbilisi. La mia barba, dopo un mese di attività sul campo, rivaleggia con la loro. Per

  • Aug
    Glaciers from the top: helicopter explorations

    Last Monday we had the opportunity to observe the Svanetia’s glaciers from a unique and fascinating point of view: the sky. Thanks to the long and friendly work of the Georgiana and Italian Ambassadors, the Georgian Ministry of Defense and Environment allowed us to utilize an helicopter that was in the region for some military

  • Aug
    Ascent of mount Lashkdilar 3325 m

    Through the path that leads up to an altitude of2700 meters,  we reach the plateaus that stand over the Mestia village, where we spend the night in order to reach some wonderful small lakes. From there, we follow the path that leads us to the summit of the Lashkdilar mountain. Thanks to the flat and

  • Aug
    Lardaadi Adishi, a huge icefall

    Sometimes, a second is enough to catch the moment in a wonderful photograph; other times it takes time and tenacity. To remake the masterly Vittorio Sella’s image of Lardaadi Adishi, one of the most spectacular Svanetia’s glaciers, we were forced to make a tough 3-days expedition, with porters and horses. During the wonderful mid-august day

  • Aug
    Second mission on the glaciers

    Saturday, Aug 6th, 6am. We are finally leaving for our second mission on the Svanetia glaciers, the unexplored land that spreads in the Georgian northwest. This region is surrounded by some of the highest mountain in Caucaso, with peaks never below3000 meters, often higher than5000 meters, like the Skhara’ mountain with its 5201 meters. Riccardo,

  • Aug
    First on sight visits and results

    Fabiano Ventura writes: “ We are in Mesita, our logistic base for the expedition. From here we are arranging for a first mission of 5-6 days on the Tuiber Glacier, an important “debris covered Glacier”, namely a glacier with the terminus covered with morenic debris. While Kenneth and Riccardo will leave with the guide George

  • Jul
    Mestia: First important step of the expedition

    After a long and difficult trip the team could finally start working with the first scientific investigations on the “Chalaat” Glacier The team finally arrived yesterday, July 30th, at the base camp in Mestia, a small village of the Svanezia region, in Caucaso. The little plane Tbilisi-Mestia took 4 flights to move the huge amount

  • Jul
    The second expedition of the project “On the Trail of the Glaciers” is about to start

    The second expedition of the project on the “On the Trail of the Glaciers”, heading to the Georgian Caucaso, is ready to start on July 28th. The expedition’ team, composed of expert alpinists, researchers and photographers, will take compartive pictures and make glaciological measurements. Again, a specialized tv troupe will follow the project to make

  • Sep
    On the trails of the…project. Motivations, techniques and results

    The project “On the Trails of the Glaciers” has as its main target, through several expeditions, the production of modern photographic images reproducing the exact angles of shots taken early last century by the most famous exploring photographers; these new images will give scientists and investigators the basis for comparative observations on the state of

  • Aug
    Special thanks to…

    The expedition is coming to its conclusion, and the preparations for the return to Italy brutally bring us back to our lives, our families, our friends. With our eyes still full of the fantastic views of the Karakorum, we carry with us memories and feelings that are difficult to tell; thanks to the images that

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